Military Cybersecurity Experts

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ID: 141322815 
Title: Intelligence Analyst 
Candidate Summary*: • Skilled in conducting multi-intelligence (human intelligence [HUMINT], counterintelligence [CI], signals intelligence [SIGINT], communications intelligence [COMINT], imagery intelligence [IMINT], and open source intelligence [OSINT]) analysis in collaborative, operational team environments
• Experienced working intelligence operations in the following capacities; network and asymmetric threat analysis; counter-IED (C-IED) analysis; high value individual (HVI) targeting; imagery exploitation; tribal engagement; indications and warning; signal analysis; intelligence collection systems; geographic profiling; infrastructure analysis; terrain analysis; threats assessments; counterinsurgency; counter-terrorism; vulnerabilities assessments; irregular warfare; special access programs
• Expert use of databases, data mining, and visualizations 
State: PA 
Relocation: Yes, For the right opportunity 

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